Jobs was married for twenty years, until his death, so let's look at his married life.
Steve Jobs an Laurene Powell wed on March 18, 1991 at the Awahnee Hotel in Yosemite National park. Jobs was Buddhist (I assume she was too?) so their ceremony was officiated by a Zen Buddhist monk. The two met at Stanford University when he was speaking to a class.

The Awahnee Hotel - it's gorgeous!

Looking cute and crunchy.
I don't know if this is actually their wedding photo, but it's obviously an early photo of the two.
Jobs has four children - three with Powell, and one with another woman from his early life, Chrisann Brennan.
Here's a more recent photo of Jobs and Powell

I love that an innovative man wore the exact same clothes all the time.
In addition to being married, Steve Jobs once performed the service of Wedding Photographer at Larry Ellison's marriage to Melanie Craft in 2003. And I'd bet that a huge percentage of professional wedding photographers use Mac computers and software.
Thanks for the productivity and time-wasting devices, Steve.
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